Friday, January 16, 2015

Blag-a-Bag: Lined Zip Pouch

Last year, I posted about going to FabMo, and showed some pouches that I made with the upcycled fabric. This week's blag-a-bag is an improved version, with a silky-soft liner and handy loops on either side.

Like the other one I made with a pull loop, this is actually a patchwork of Sunbrella swatches! During my second trip to FabMo, I was on the lookout for tassels and trim, so I could make loops that actually matched the swatches.

This pouch is fairly large, being just over 6" wide and 9" tall. It sits very flat.

Another difference in this one is that I added a liner. I'm not a big fan of slippery polyester linings in bags, because they don't have enough structure and flop around a lot. But in a small, contained pouch, there isn't enough fabric for that to become an issue.

I cheated a bit on the inside, though, and just serged the ends closed.

Shhh! Don't tell anyone!

Actually, it works pretty well, and I still love my serger so much.

Happy sewing!

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